Maureen Spataro
I am Maureen Spataro - author, public speaker military mom, daughter, sister, friend and surTHRIVER. My goal? To be the person who stands in front of others who are at a crossroads, turning point, or are facing a life/work crisis, and through my personal experience lights their way to willingness. WILLINGNESS is the superpower we all possess, yet rarely call upon. If you are WILLING, you can create a life you love.
I have. I continue to do so. And, I do it with honesty and straight talk.
I know without hesitation that my book, Press Pause, can change lives. It can inspire, it is proof that there is hope. I stand before audiences, and in conference rooms and inspire through experience. I reassure those who spend time to listen to my message that they are capable of more than they believe because I have LIVED it. And, I do it with passion and a healthy dose of humor.
I AM the face of creating a life you love. I AM the voice of hope and capability. And, I am WILLING to take anyone WILLING to hire me on that journey.